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The Art of Public Speaking

  • TA的每日心情
    2023-4-4 00:13
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    发表于 2018-10-10 17:10:16 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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    % y& p) z" O" j) u5 X* V0 |& ~! L$ z$ P& ^2 k  K9 R4 u, F
    2 Y; n6 h8 |% O; u出版社: McGraw-Hill Education * C/ S6 Q* U* V( ~; m" V
    平装: 448页
      g, T' Z% P0 O/ Y( U/ b) |9 n) I语种: 英语7 C/ h5 }& C( g) K) t0 \

    0 n# I% r  ^2 `The Art of Public Speaking personalizes learning for every student no matter who they are or where they are, ensuring that they come to your public speaking class confident, prepared with the principle foundations, and ready to participate in your teaching and coaching. Connect is the only integrated learning system that empowers students by continuously adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so that your class time is more engaging and effective.- E& _$ B: W6 G, M8 `4 b

    , r( ^, c& N1 u作者简介7 g/ o7 O$ N% A) M& B
    ( O4 H/ a5 Y9 t7 h2 f1 k
    . j6 T6 w# z$ b9 a% r. H. w' U& nStephen E. Lucas is Professor of Communication Arts and Evjue-Bascom Professor in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he has taught since 1972. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his master's and doctorate degrees from Penn State University.) T! X( f0 S/ t" B

    , N8 ~- _7 X* i7 A# lProfessor Lucas has been recognized for his work as both a scholar and a teacher. His first book, Portents of Rebellion: Rhetoric and Revolution in Philadelphia, 1765-1776, received the Golden Anniversary Award of the National Communication Association in 1977 and was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. His major articles include "The Schism in Rhetorical Scholarship" (1981), "The Renaissance of American Public Address: Text and Context in Rhetorical Criticism" (1988), "The Stylistic Artistry of the Declaration of Independence” (1990), and “The Rhetorical Ancestry of the Declaration of Independence” (1998), for which he received the Golden Anniversary Monograph Award of the National Communication Association. His most recent book is Words of a Century: The Top 100 American Speeches, 1900-1999 (2009).0 j2 T8 t' |& s' I5 W& g2 c* m
    8 P& g) S- W8 u- m
    Professor Lucas has received a number of teaching awards, including the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching at the University of Wisconsin and the National Communication Association’s Donald Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education. His lecture course on "The Rhetoric of Campaigns and Revolutions" is among the most popular on campus and has twice been selected for statewide broadcast in its entirety by Wisconsin Public Radio. Professor Lucas is featured in the Educational Video Group’s program on the history of American public address, and he has appeared on the History Channel’s documentary on the Declaration of Independence.! e  ^' A9 _0 V( c+ A
    . A2 l5 i$ v1 F* g$ U
    Professor Lucas has directed the introductory public speaking course at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 1973. Over the years he has been responsible for numerous teaching innovations and has supervised the training of hundreds of graduate assistants. In addition to participating in public speaking workshops and colloquia at schools throughout the United States, he has served as a judge for the major national English-language public speaking competitions in China, has lectured at numerous Chinese universities, and has conducted workshops for Chinese instructors on teaching public speaking.
    7 v  j5 Q, \' c7 w  c+ y2 I' s9 N  X( F9 s  @
    Stephen Lucas and his wife, Patty, live in Madison, Wisconsin, and have two sons, Jeff and Ryan. His interests include travel, sports, art, and photography.) V* q+ |3 @) U* h1 c! g

    * Y3 G* t2 K! w7 B% y, H$ Z目录5 z! ]$ b. w7 l; c. M
    Chapter 1: Speaking in Public Chapter 2: Ethics and Public SpeakingChapter 3: ListeningChapter 4: Giving Your First SpeechChapter 5: Selecting a Topic and a PurposeChapter 6: Analyzing the AudienceChapter 7: Gathering MaterialsChapter 8: Supporting your IdeasChapter 9: Organizing the Body of the SpeechChapter 10: Beginning and Ending the SpeechChapter 11: Outlining the SpeechChapter 12: Using LanguageChapter 13: DeliveryChapter 14: Using Visual AidsChapter 15: Speaking to InformChapter 16: Speaking to PersuadeChapter 17: Methods of PersuasionChapter 18: Speaking on Special OccasionsChapter 19: Speaking in Small GroupsAppendix: Speeches for Analysis and Discussion9 h+ _: n3 `* T+ z! `2 ]% d; d4 D4 O7 \3 |
    . Q8 A0 e$ X8 e0 }8 @4 |* a

      o  G" m; K( M1 X, T, a/ j% p
    $ X3 A; l# s) Z9 H. a
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