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The Facts on File Encyclopedia of Word and Phrase Origins

  • TA的每日心情
    2017-6-21 22:26
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    发表于 2017-6-10 23:59:48 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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    9 J* f5 D3 m3 R7 T$ C8 I: A- O2 oThe most comprehensive single-volume reference of its kind, the encyclopedia has been updated and expanded and now contains definitions and origins of over 15,000 words and expressions.
    . y8 c$ g; l3 |0 |) P( c' ^, z4 G$ ^* Y3 t* {* [$ f4 }; X' H% I" K
    This volume features more than 15,000 quirky words and expressions (2500 of them added since the 2004 edition) from the English/American vernacular. The text, arranged alphabetically, covers a broad range of slang terms, acronyms, coined phrases, literary references, and other dialectical gems. Written in an often-humorous tone, the brief entries consist of etymology and examples of usage culled from sources such as Shakespearean plays, films, or famous declarations. Terms range from classical nicknames (Heraclitus's "The Weeping Philosopher") to pop-culture references (the Seinfeld-ism "man hands"). Foreign expressions such as the British-born "do the needful" and the timely Iraqi "I throw a shoe at you!" are explained. Cross-references are provided, and the index includes listings of phrases and the subjects who uttered them. As the preface states, "No word or phrase has been eliminated because it might offend someone's sensibilities." Hendrickson admits that some origins presented are mere theories. Moreover, the lack of a pronunciation guide and the volume's anecdotal approach undermine its academic value. Still, the author provides an entertaining, informative look at the diversity of influences on the English language. Readers will find plenty to pique their interest in this strong secondary source.—Christina Connolly, Clark University, Worcester, MA. A. c6 z/ b& Y8 l8 r' t3 `

    8 D% x) p. D5 Y% v. d8 Q
    "From Axis of Evil to Zoot Suit Riots—a complete guide to the many words and phrases often ignored in dictionaries."
    + w$ k3 S0 `6 e0 ^* [  C" aPraise for the previous editions:   e1 U$ ^# I0 s
    A feast for phrase detectives...that will enliven debates and illuminate issues.—William Safire
    2 N4 `& a3 }/ j+ S! _: I' O/ `4 {* H* N$ O0 R" @, ^
    下载须知:需要一定英语基础和词汇量,该书是对词典的补充,主要收录了许多词典中可能有所遗漏的或者未提及或者所提不多的词和短语。6 a( e+ F+ Z5 _  L: Q  \
    " n8 h5 R* d, ^: \7 I+ ?# O! h$ S
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